International Acceptance
Our programs are designed in compliance with the norms and standards set by
leading international industry associations .

we are accredited by:
•The American Welding Society (AWS)•The Association Connecting Electronics Industries> (IPC)
•The North American Die Casting Association (NADCA) and others.

Dalus is a member of the S.E.N.S.E.
(Schools Excelling Through Skill Standards Education) Program,
and is accredited as a test facility (ATF) by the American Welding Society (AWS).

international norms and standars
Certification provides tangible evidence that the knowledge and skills acquired
meet with international norms and standards.


We verify the quality of our service and product.
We are a Mexican corporation whose mission is to train and test people in certifiableskills and knowledge that will help integrate them into a world class workforce.Training is a strategic strength of global enterprises.
We develop the knowledge, attitude, skills and habits required in people for qualification
and certification in accordance with internationally accepted standards. Workforce Development

We test to identify the level of training required.
›We train, as per customer needs, with certified instructors.›We develop and reinforce personal workplace habits.
›We administer certification testing in accordance with:
•AWS (welding) / •IPC (electronics) / •NADCA (die casting)